
🎉 [Mar 2024] ARISE is accepted by MobiSys 2024!

💻 [Feb 2024] Interning at Meta Platforms this summer on ML ads serving!

🎤 [Oct 2023] I will be presenting our paper on measuring AR performance over 5G at MASCOTS 2023 in Stony Brook, NY!

🎉 [Sep 2023] Our paper on cross-country 5G performance under driving conditions is accepted by IMC 2023!

🎉 [Aug 2023] Our paper on measuring AR performance over 5G is accepted by MASCOTS 2023!

🎉 [Jul 2023] I am honored to serve on the Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC) for SOSP 2023!

🎉 [Jul 2023] I am honored to serve on the Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC) for MobiSys 2023!